Telstra next generation phone

Leslie Gossner clownius at
Wed Jul 18 18:06:16 BST 2007

squareyes wrote:
> squareyes wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> have just acquired a next generation Telstra phone, which is (according 
>> to manual able to connect via usb and bluetooth.
>> Sadly in this area CDMA and Next generation are the only mobiles that 
>> can get a signal. Would like to be able to
>> download any pictures I may take with the phone, although there will be 
>> very few.
>> The phone  LG TU 500 , I have had suggested a bluetooth dongle, 
>> (supposedly plug and play), does anyone know if
>> either usb ( which comes with Win software) or the bluetooth dongle is 
>> likely to work, before I lash out with the
>> funds for the usb cable ($45) or the dongle?
>> Any suggestions very much appreciated.
>> Take Care
>> Winton
> Sorry forgot to mention I am using 7.04
> Winton
I have a Sony Erickson Walkman phone myself and using the USB cable 
(came with the phone) i can read all my phone and memory card memory to 
get stuff off of it (works the same as a USB stick but had no luck 
writing to the phone (transfer music on to it)).  Cant say i worried 
about it much as the screen broke not long after so i didn't try to find 
a solution to the write issue.  I need a new phone anyway (Any 
suggestions on a good phone that will talk to Linux?). Hope that helps 
you in some way.
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