Fwd: Ubuntu Laptop...

Michael Nelson michael at liveandletlearn.net
Mon Jan 8 04:09:29 GMT 2007

On 1/8/07, Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net> wrote:
> Granted, I did some (but not a lot of) research before buying the
> laptop, but it still impressed me a lot.

Ooh... Rev can you share your research? I had a look at the Loco Wiki at
UbuntuFriendlyLaptops, but the info currently there is more about
pre-supplied ubuntu or buying a laptop without OS. I'll just be
repartitioning and installing myself.

I'm currently looking at the BenQ Joybook R55Uv11:

which got a good wrap in PCAuth Nov 06 (p57), for $1180. Of course, I'll try
to get my money back for the XP Home... but doubtful. I read one review of a
similar machine that had SUSE 10 installed and all hardware was recognised
automatically (only a few very small issues with Wireless). So I'm assuming
that Ubuntu will be v. similar (but don't mind doing a bit of fiddling if

Any tips welcome!


Michael Nelson

Michael Nelson
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