Installing/Running Gaim and EasyUbuntu

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Fri Feb 16 22:48:37 GMT 2007

Tony Brow wrote:
> G'Day Gals and Guys,
> Just repeating my prev request
> Re above two subjects I am still totally puzzled.  Trying to open
> Gaim, each time I get the response: 'Invalid proxy settings',
> referring to "host name" and or "port number" being invalid. I tried
> different things, but the 'Invalid' response keeps coming back.  Is
> there a cure for this, please ?
what is giving you that error? all protocols in gaim, or just msn?
> The EasyUbuntu seemed to have been installed, but doesn't work and
> trying to open it the response is: " Packages already installed are
> disabled as EasyUbuntu cannot uninstall packages". This is stupid, I
> was not trying to 'uninstall' anything in the first place, but just
> tried to open the program. With a previous enquiry on this I got the
> impression that there is a bug in this program.  As a 'Newibie' I
> thought this would be a real helpful program, but I got shot down. Is
> there anything I can do or is there some new info on this ?
iirc, it means the package is already installed.
> Many thanks in advance,
> -- 
> Tony Brow <tbrow at <mailto:tbrow at>>

Karl Goetz
User of gNewSense: Free as in Freedom -
Australian Ubuntu users team -
User of Debian, The Universal Operating System -

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