Web based access to ubuntu-au via Gmane

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Tue Feb 13 03:04:26 GMT 2007

Hey folks,

Those clamouring for delicious web-based access to ubuntu-au will be pleased
today -- Gmane is now subscribed *and* has complete historical archives of
the list!

Everything you need to know about ubuntu-au on Gmane, including statistics,
search and links to Gmane interfaces (nntp, rss, threaded, bloggy):


Or, dive straight in to the thready view:


Rock on, Aussie freedom lovers!


- Jeff

Open CeBIT 2007: Sydney, Australia              http://www.opencebit.com.au/
     "It doesn't matter if it is good, it only matters if it rocks." -
                        Tenacious D, Rock Your Socks

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