Some messenger protocols being blocked?

Pete Brown pete at
Tue Feb 6 04:13:40 GMT 2007

On Tue, 6 Feb 2007 02:06:09 pm Sebastian Spieß wrote:
> Pete Brown wrote:
[ Snip]

> Yes thats what I have heard as well.
> Back when I used SIM as client for my ICQ and Jabber I had some connection
> problems from time to time. But after a short time, i suppose they updated
> the jabber transport to ICQ and everything worked well again.
> I tried to convince so of my friends to use Jabber, but either they
> used/tried it already or they where missing the nice, useless gadgets ICQ,
> MSN... came with... :-(

i just send people a free gmail invite.
then once they have that and when MSN is being anoying i suggest using google 

Peter Brown
GeekBuilt Systems
P   07 3366 4124
M   0422 210 756
E   pete at
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