installing Feisty, but don't ask how. Aptitude "manual or howto files.

Karl Bowden karlbowden at
Wed Apr 25 10:09:18 BST 2007

Hey Anthony.

The reason the download changed the second time you tried was because
apt-get/aptitude/synaptic cache the packages they download. You can
just hit ctrl-c and cancel a download, then go back to do a upgrade
later and it will only download what it has not already downloaded.

It's pretty simple and intuitive like that.

The main difference in using aptitude over apt-get is when installing
packages aptitude by default includes 'recommended dependencies' as
'required dependencies'. Where as apt-get just shows you a list of the
recommends and suggestes.
Also to search for a package in apt-get you use 'apt-cache search' and
in aptitude you do not use a different command. It's just 'aptitude

apt-get, aptitude and synaptic are all just dependency resolving
package downloading frontends for dpkg (debian's package manager) from
which ubuntu is based.

Of all the distros and os's i've used (BeOs, *BSD, Gentoo, Slackware,
RH, Suse, Win*, Dos, CP/M, etc..) I've found dpkg based management to
be one of the smoothest and most reliable.

 - Karlos

On 4/25/07, Anthony J Brow <tbrow at> wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> First my thanks to Simon with the
> site suggestion. It like many
> other things I tried, did not make sense. When I first attempted the up
> grade with the update manager, some 960 update files had to be
> downloaded taking over 24 hours. With download 3/4 finished, I
> accidentally shut the system down late at night. Tried again the next
> day and this time the upgrade manager only needed 120 files taking 9
> hours to download. Trying to install  these update files, my system
> froze and I had no other option but to re-install Ubuntu 6.10 and start
> from scratch. Finally after two days trying, I got feisty installed, but
> it seems to be a limited edition. And now I want to re-install Firefox
> because it is not working properly and is very slow.
> When the update manager wants to download heaps of files over such a
> long time, can the proposed down be shortened, so that the download can
> be done in 2 or3 sessions?
> Further it has been suggested that aptitude should be used iso apt-get
> or synaptics. Is there a manual or similar for aptitude. Sofar nothing
> satisfactory on google as far as I can see.
> thanks in advance, ladies/gents
> --
> Anthony J Brow <tbrow at>
> --
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