Installation to Feisty Fawn alias Ubuntu 7.o4 from Edfy Eft.

Simon Wong simon at
Fri Apr 20 06:46:24 BST 2007

On Fri, 2007-04-20 at 07:18 +1000, Tony Brow wrote:
> How is the upgrade going to the above from Edgy Eft ? Did it all  go
> well ? Sofar I have not seen any Aussie news/comments on this.
> My attempt seemed to go fine untill---- it said-- it needed '0B' (that
> is zero B). Well I checked in Google what  '0B is, but there is no
> site that
> can explain  in lay man's  language what it is and indicate where on
> can get '0B'.   Is my system saying it has no space ? Is it some sort
> of bug. How can us newbies correct this ?

How did you upgrade?  With a CD?  If it was CD it wouldn't have needed
to download anything so maybe that's what the message is related to?

Did the installation fail ie hang, kill your system?

Also, have a look at this page:

I must say that the documentation is starting to get lost in all th
enoise these days :-(
> I get the feeling that Feisty Fawn must be heaps better than MS Vista.

Don't sound surprised!  Actually, I haven't even looked at Vista and
everyone I know is avoiding it - the consensus is there's nothing new to
warrant the upgrade.

Simon Wong <simon at>
Dependable Technologies Pty Ltd

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