Zombie Program?

Melissa Draper melissa at meldraweb.com
Sun Apr 15 15:08:05 BST 2007

Minarwan (Min) wrote:
> Hi All,
> For the second time in this week, when I typed
> top
> in my terminal (Ubuntu 6.10), I saw "1 Zombie" listed. But it
> disappeared soon after I closed my Firefox browser. The word zombie
> doesn't look good to me and I am now thinking if my computer somehow
> has been intruded.
> I wonder if I can check what program is considered as Zombie by
> Ubuntu. Anyone know how to do it? Or is this usual/normal (zombie
> running within Ubuntu)? Is ther any program in Ubuntu that can run as
> a Zombie?
> Any response will be appreciated.
> Many thanks.
> Min
Zombies are not good things. They are usually the product of poor
coding. Whilst afaik they're not going to bring your computer down or
cause damage, they do suck resources etc. They're like the legendary
monsters too -- hard to kill ;)

Firefox from my experience is prone to zombies. My current installation
often gets them, and I've heard of instances of dozens. As far as I can
tell, they are probably bad javascript or flash in webpages such as ads,
but I may be mistaken with this.

Melissa Draper


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