Fwd: Ubuntu CD

Joh Lindley joh at lindley.id.au
Sun Oct 8 10:19:55 BST 2006

Hi Bill

I had problems similar to what you are experiencing and as suggested by 
others it was a RAM issue that needed the Alternative install. As Andrew 
said this can be off putting as it is needed to be downloaded burnt etc. 
If this is not feasible I am quite happy to send you a copy of the 
alternative install disc, Getting more users onto Ubuntu is always good

Please contact me off the mailing list if you would like me to post you 
a copy.


Andrew Shugg wrote:
> Bill Thomson said:
>> Hi,
>> just received my Ubuntu CD, but am having problems with it.
>> It boots up ok but take over 4 mins to get a GUI up. When I hit the
>> install icon it takes another 4 mins to get to the first (language)
>> screen, then another 5 mins to get to the date screen after which it
>> hangs indefinitely (I gave up after another 5 mins) although there
>> appears to be activity from CD and HD. I reran boot up after checking
>> the CD which reports ok but the same thing happens.
>> I am using a P4 running at 2GHz with a 60Gb hard disc partitioned with
>> Windows ME on the first partition and Fedora Core 4 on the 2nd. My
>> intention was to overwrite the existing FC4 with Ubuntu. Is this
>> feasable? Can you shed any light on the install problem?
>> Kind regards
>> Bill Thomson.
> Hi Bill,
> Your email was forwarded to the ubuntu-au mailing list for Australian
> users.  Please CC the list if you'd like to respond.
> I suggest there may not be enough RAM on the PC for the Ubuntu Live
> installer to start up in GUI mode.  Do you have more than 256 megabytes
> of RAM?
> If not, there is an "alternate" CD with a different installer that may
> work better for you.  You'll need to download it and burn it to a CD
> yourself though which may be a bit off-putting.  You can either get the
> torrent file (ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent) and then
> download the complete ISO file via BitTorrent, or just download the
> complete ISO file (ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-i386.iso) from your local
> mirror site.
> If you do have more than 256MB of RAM, and your CD test found no errors,
> then I would think the Ubuntu Live installer is having a disagreement
> with your hardware for some reason.
> Have you tried the "safe graphics mode" when booting from the CD?
> Your CD drive may also be slow - and booting up a live system from CD 
> is a lot slower than from hard disk anyway.  I just tried booting the
> Ubuntu 6.06 CD on a Pentium-4 1.8GHz with 1GB of RAM, and it took
> several minutes to get to the desktop.
> While the graphical system is loading, you can get back to the text mode
> and look at the console log by pressing Ctrl-Alt-F8.  That may show
> what is triggering the problem.  You can also get to a text console
> login with Ctrl-Alt-F1 and try 'dmesg|less' to look through the system
> boot messages from the kernel.
> You may find the Ubuntu forums helpful for more assistance.
>   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/
> Regards,
> Andrew S.

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