Laptop skin/decal printing in Australia?

Andrew Shugg andrew at
Mon Nov 27 13:29:45 GMT 2006

Adam Smith said:
> Saw that site, thanks, it's a tad garish eh! Actually no, it doesn't
> have to be done here, just figured it would be cheaper and simpler.
> (their shipping is about $7us as a letter, but as a parcel, which I
> guess is sensible, the product comes in at $14+22 shipping!....God bless
> America!)

You can try these guys too I guess ...

Or any of these.  =)

Is there a place like Kwik Kopy near you?  They probably can't print
vinyl but they should be able to refer you to someone who can!

Or you could do a dodgy, print it out on ordinary paper, glue it onto
your laptop with PVA and then after it dries put a layer of clear
Contact over it like mum put on your school books.  =D


Andrew Shugg <andrew at>         

"Just remember, Mr Fawlty, there's always someone worse off than yourself."
"Is there?  Well I'd like to meet him.  I could do with a good laugh."

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