Lets get the ball rolling again :)

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Mon Nov 20 23:24:03 GMT 2006

This one time, at band camp, Melissa Draper wrote:

> I've had quite a few enquiries as to whether there are still stickers
> left. I can say Yes! I still have HEAPS left.

Oh yes, I meant to thank you for my stickers.  They arrived less than a 
week after I posted off my SASE.  Ripped off the "Designed for CrapOS" 
sticker on my laptop and replaced with my lovely Ubuntu one.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

"There is only a small difference between a strong atheist and
 a Christian: they agree on a very long list of gods that don't
 exist, and disagree about only one of them."
 - nicked from Erik de Castro Lopo's signature

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