Ubuntu-au Wiki

Shane Handley shane.handley at gmail.com
Thu May 18 08:37:34 BST 2006


Andrew wrote:
> There is already http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects which
> lists current projects. I have already setup a temporary page under
> this at
> http://wiki,ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/Projects/PresentingUbuntuToTeachers
>  which is where I will be placing a bit of content shortly.
I just hastily knocked up a page along the same lines at that at:


A temporary little page where I wanted anyone who had any questions they
would like answered from a syadmin of a suburban school in Melbourne of
reasonable size.

I will leave this page for a fortnight or so before I hassle him with
all the questions, rather than a few questions in multiple bursts.

But I suspect you have much of the information i could get out of this
guy already :).

If we can get this material up on the wiki over the next little while,
we can organise it into a very useful resource, which can be drawn upon
when presentations are needed.

> I'd be very much interested in such a conversation. I am collating
> information on current obstacles within the education systems, and
> their are a lot of the them. If you want to send some notes to me I
> will be happy to add it along with the other information I have
> collected. I have started creating sections for the various schools
> and departments as every school does have different challenges as well
> as the overall department side of things.
This is where a wiki is a lovely thing :), if you get a chance, I
encourage you to upload your findings so far.

I think once the common hurdles to migrating from Windows to Ubuntu are
known, we can find ways of solving their problems in simpler ways than
they currently do, with Ubuntu.
> Cheers,
> Andrew Swinn

Shane Handley

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