Somem problems with the demo of v5.10

Jess Brisbane jessbris at
Sat May 13 09:02:52 BST 2006

Greetings all,

I have just downloaded and burnt a copy of the v 5.10 live demo, but I am
having some problems. When I boot from the CD, the installation process
stops at the 'Detect & Mount CD-ROM' stage, with a message to the effect
that my installation CD-ROM couldn't be mounted and probably is not in the
drive. I find this strange, since I believe that to get to this stage, it
has already booted off the CD. I have two questions: why would the demo be
running the installation process in the first place, and how can I get it to
run? If it helps, I downloaded it from one of the Australian mirror sites,
but I don't remember which one.

The urgency is not great - I just want something to play with while I wait
for 6.06 to come out and have the rough edges knocked off before I convert.
I've been a programmer on all sorts of systems for twenty years, but
Linux/Unix is not among my (current) areas of expertise.


The early bird may get the worm, but it's the second mouse that gets the

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