
Tanarri Fujitsu tanarrifujitsu at optusnet.com.au
Thu Mar 30 06:17:57 BST 2006

Bob Gould wrote:
> I have just spent 2 days trying to get Ubuntu set up. I am an
> educated layman with about 8 years experience in using MS Windows.
> I have tried many Linux distros before including several versions
> of Red Hat, Fedora Core 4, Kanotix & several others. I have not yet
> found one that I am happy with or that I have sufficient knowledge
> to be able to configure properly.
Ref: <http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm>, it's a good read, please
do check it out.

> I have tried installing Wine, samba & other apts with Synaptic PM.
> It appears to have installed the programs but they are only
> downloaded to the cache.
No, not quite. All programs are permanently installed; /usr/bin
typically will contain any downloaded program's binaries, /usr/share
will contain additional data for them, and /etc for system-wide
configuration. ~/.[progname] typically contains (or is the)
configuration file(s).

If you're referring to the fact that there might not be any menu
entries, that's a different matter entirely.

> Synaptic installed gdesklets but when I log out the applets are not
>  saved to the desktop & have to be re-launched each session.
You have to *add gdesklets to the session* in order to tell it to be
executed on start up. It won't magically realise that it should be;
the choice (and action of doing it) is left up to you. To do this, see
System -> Preferences -> Session, then find the tab I believe which
reads `Current Session' and add `gdesklets' (or the appropriate
command to be run at startup).

> I can't get the Gnome Phone Manager to connect to my Motorola
> mobile & can't find any documentation to help.
> Now I've spent so long on it I've got a stiff neck & I'm pissed off
> with another Linux distro.
> It did find my cable modem & email was easy to setup.
> Regards Bob Gould Ipswich, QLD
Please do persevere with Ubuntu. You should find that - 90% of the
time - it's rather effective.

 - Mailliw.

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