Windows Free Notebook List

Andrew andrew at
Fri Jun 16 09:34:01 BST 2006

> Rather than single out Microsoft, would it be more preferable to used
> 'Retails which do  and don't supply laptops with an operating system.'

That sounds good, I'll change it to that. The important thing is getting 
hardware without it being tied to a software product.

> We can then include 'Apple' as well :-)
> Do we want to be including any retailer that sells laptops?
> (Harvey Norman, Dick Smith) or just ones that we get a definitive answer 
> from?

I am looking at definitive information. ie you know for sure 'this 
place' will provide a laptop/notebook without an operating system attached.

>> I would be suggesting only to list those notebooks which are close to
>> being 100% perfectly suited to running Ubuntu.
> I would include these in a separate list (if possible).. the more
> information the better.

Thats what I was thinking originally.

I think we could also include those retailers selling laptops with 
operating systems that do not add cost to the product and just making a 
note of what they are wanting to provide with it etc.


Andrew Swinn (Phlosten)

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