Meeting summary, Ubuntu-Au - Dec 04, 2006

Melissa Draper melissa at
Fri Dec 15 13:32:02 GMT 2006


It's only 11 days late :D

Anyhow, here is what happened a few Mondays back at our fortnightly
Ubuntu-Au meeting:

=== BarCamps ===
 * Janet Hawtin gave us a run-down of BarCamp happenings
  * 3 (that could be found) BarCamps running in .au
  * Might be useful for people to coordinate to get sponsorship for
things like internet. If anyone knows anything regarding BarCamp, or has
contact with BarCamp organisers other than Adelaide, could they contact
Janet, she can be found on freenode as lucychili.

=== SA Parliament speech ===
 * Paul Schultz and Janet Hawtin have managed to arrange for a
parliamentarian to talk about Open Source software in the South
Australian Parliament. Dapper CDs will be given out.
  o Sparked debate about political alignment. Conclusion: We do not and
should not have one.

=== LCA Plans ===
 * We will have a booth
 * Swag (goodie) Bags (cds, stickers, brochure, info) to be given out
 * May have podcasts done
 * Hopefully we'll have a BoF, if not a pub session, maybe both.

A log of the meeting can be aquired by clicking here-->

The wiki version of this summary can be viewed by clicking here-->

The next Ubuntu-Au meeting is Next Monday the 18th of December, 2006, at
9am UTC, which translates to 8pm Sydney time. To find this time in other
Australian (and surrounding areas) timezones, click here-->

Melissa Draper

Phone: 0404 595 395
(intl): +61 404 595 395

P.O Box 1412
Lavington, NSW 2641

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