Fwd: status of the free mailout

Akash Mehta draicone at gmail.com
Mon Aug 14 11:42:06 BST 2006

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Akash Mehta <draicone at gmail.com>
Date: Aug 14, 2006 6:28 PM
Subject: Re: status of the free mailout
To: Jeff Waugh <jdub at perkypants.org>

> On 8/14/06, Andrew Swinn <andrew at swinndesign.com> wrote:
> > How about putting them on Ebay with a buy it now price just to cover the
> > postage and/or setting up a paypal account for donations that may cover
> > a few to be sent for free at a local level.
> Excellent idea! We need a local Ubuntu on-line shop.
> So.. how do we make this happen?
I'll start some preliminary designs, but I don't have much time so I
may just adapt something like an OSWD template. Who runs the mailouts,
or who does everyone nominate as treasurer? Whoever it is, I'll need
their PayPal email, and it would be good if William Grant could give
me access to a subfolder on ubuntu.com.au or something so that I can
set up example designs for everyone (alternatively, I'll put it all on
my googlepages.com account and move it to the server later).


On 8/14/06, Jeff Waugh <jdub at perkypants.org> wrote:
> <quote who="Pete Brown">
> > So if we had a businesses in most of the capital cities that can help with
> > this then we could put it in place?
> Consider that from Canonical's point of view, dealing with > 5 companies for
> a population of 20M would not scale well, particularly when distribution and
> production of CDs is not the main business of those companies.
> Turns out it's hard to compete with the economy of scale that Canonical gets
> doing shipit centrally, no matter how good your intentions. :-)
> - Jeff
> --
> linux.conf.au 2007: Sydney, Australia           http://lca2007.linux.org.au/
>               Fierce Commerce. Fierce Freedom. Free Software.
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