status of the free mailout

James Purser purserj at
Sun Aug 13 14:22:30 BST 2006

On Sun, 2006-08-13 at 22:41 +0930, David Drury wrote:
> Ok James et al,
> Rather than limiting this project lets expand it... 
> Would you think that Linux Australia (as represented by its committee) would 
> agree that a service to distribute Linux to the community (most specifically 
> Australia, New Zealand) would be a valuable service to sponser.Maybe we can 
> set up the Linux Distribution network. Funding required would be for the 
> shipping costs, the storage space for ISOs and the media costs, assuming 
> time is voluntarily given. 

Theoretically this would be a good thing. Especially seeing as the Linux
Australia mirror service already hosts mirrors for some of the larger
distro's, Ubuntu included.

Speaking for myself only (taking off the committee hat now), this sort
of project could get expensive quickly. You would need someway of
ensuring funding beyond the Linux Australia grant, maybe through a small
charge on postage or something. Also you would need to ensure that the
service is limited to "community" distro's as opposed to the corporate
ones such as Redhat and Suse.

What I would recommend you do is raise the idea on the linux-aus mailing
list. Run the idea up the flagpole and see who salutes.
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Open Source On The Air
A LocalFOSS Production
irc: #localfoss on
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