On the marketing note

Jeff Waugh jeff.waugh at ubuntu.com
Sat Apr 29 03:28:33 BST 2006

<quote who="Andrew">

> The post revolved around how we refer to the Ubuntu releases and the fact
> that some new users might be put off by the fact we are refer to a product
> as the 'Dapper Drake', and not it's official version '6.06'.
> After reading this I decided to started referring to the new Ubuntu as
> Ubuntu 6.06 and not Ubuntu Dapper whenever I remembered.

It's actually "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS" this time (for Long Term Support). :-)

- Jeff

GUADEC 2006: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain            http://2006.guadec.org/
   "The most beautiful things about the world are deer and bunnies. Even
   in a carnivorous way I like them, they are my favourite meats. When I
      see them together I feel that is a safe place." - Vincent Gallo

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