[ubuntu-art] Free Culture Showcase

Сергей shnatsel at gmail.com
Tue Jan 25 11:27:28 UTC 2011

Looks like we're facing duplication of effort again: we have two different
Ubuntu wallpaper contests. The first one is
http://design.canonical.com/2011/01/bright-light-and-beautiful/, I saw John
Baer's proposal linked to it somewhere (and it seems reasonable to me, but
I'm sure it's better to discuss that specification with Iain Farrell first).
The other one is Free Culture Showcase, which requires submissions to be
freedom-themed. It's probably OK to have two different wallpaper contests if
they have such a different rules and themes, but that must be clearly stated
in the projects list at least.

Oh, and I think we should add designing banners for Free Culture Showcase to
the projects list, too.

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
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