[ubuntu-art] Icon for LibreCAD (future CAD program in Edubuntu/Ubuntu)

Scott Howard showard314 at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 20 22:54:14 UTC 2011

Hello artists,

QCad is a very popular GPL CAD program in Debian and Ubuntu. However,
upstream has not released a new version in a while, and will be
removed from Debian after squeeze. A new fork of the project,
"LibreCAD" has started. They have already ported QCad to qt4 and
implemented many community patches that the original upstream did not
have the resources to test and implement. The Edubuntu team is
currently working on getting LibreCAD included in natty. The package
is working, but we are lacking a desktop icon and good splash screen.

www.librecad.org is running a design contest for their logos.
Information is on their site. We're looking for a standard
freedesktop.org icon (.svg preferred).

The package is available at ppa:showard314/librecad

Please take a look, and I'm sure upstream will welcome any
contributions you can make!

Thank you.


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