[ubuntu-art] Design Brief: Alternate Natty Wallpapers

John Baer baerjj at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 11:30:22 UTC 2011

I could not be more satisfied with the submissions for Community wallpapers
and my desire is to keep this momentum going for Ubuntu. I really like
working from a design brief as it provides me with guidance to the desired
outcome and with that said I am blowing the dust off the Alternate Natty
Wallpapers proposal.

Before going on let me say I fully support there may be different paths to
the desired result and as an artist if you find value in the brief please
use it; it not, do what works best for you. In the end if we don't receive
submissions nothing else matters.

As for submission repositories I added "art.ubuntu.owl" to the original
"Flickr Groups". This is not an endorsement for one or the other and the
reason for keeping Flickr is very practical.

Flickr is a known value and has history with this group. In addition, it has
a substantial user base of individuals who have interest in Ubuntu and art.
If we are to reach out to this community IMO Flickr is the correct tool.

On the other hand if Flickr is an impediment to submissions we now have
another choice and I think this is great.

My goal ( and challenge ) is to create wall papers targeted to each of the
five defined roles as described in the brief.

I welcome others to join.

Kind regards,



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