[ubuntu-art] An ideia to improve the geral artwork on Ubuntu

Сергей shnatsel at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 21:15:15 UTC 2011

Hi Paulo,
Thanks for posting! I personally really like this idea. Gaia has a rather
concise idea to express - "beauty of nature through digital art". It's much
easier to express than openness or humanity or ubuntu philosophy or
something like that. I'd love to see such themes adopted by the Free Culture
Showcase. Moreover, Gaia has a lot of desktop themes for various operating
systems - I think that the idea would be much more visible if Ubuntu would
include a theme or two that express the same idea. It's not the same when
you just have several files in a folder which you visit once or twice a year
and when everything you see every day, everywhere, is in tune with the idea.
In a nutshell: I would like to see the topical Free Culture Showcase evolve
into something like Gaia and get a more firm presence in everyday user

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
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