[ubuntu-art] Problems with the Ubuntu wiki page's icons.

Сергей shnatsel at gmail.com
Fri Feb 25 15:48:17 UTC 2011

Hi Reda,

as far as I remember, the smileys are just placeholders. I like your
sketches, and I'd really like to see them finished. We're always short of
Ubuntu pictograms, AFAIK we have only the official
set<http://design.canonical.com/brand/Pictograms/>and event
pictograms <http://spreadubuntu.org/en/node/508>, so these pics may be of
service not only to this team.

By the way, great work with "Outsiders", that's so ingenious!

Oh, and there's an official
community wallpapers for Ubuntu, I think your "Eleven-'O'Four" work
the potential to win, but you'll have to relicense it under CC-BY-SA (allow
commercial use) to enter. There has been some confusion on the place to
submit entries, it's the
photos <http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/>.

Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff
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