[ubuntu-art] Dealing with issues and seeking advice

Saleel Velankar svelanka at gmail.com
Fri Feb 18 13:44:03 UTC 2011

>Saleel Velankar: can you clearly state what issue has been troubling you?

Look I do not want to spend my time talking about how to set up the wiki, or
which groups to add stuff into. I have no interest in dealing with proposals
which are added without discussion, and specs that are pulled without
comment. I have no interest. zilch. schunya. zero interest
in administrating. I came to this list because I thought there was artwork
to get done and it seems infinitely clear to me now that there isn't. If I
have to go to the blog to find out about important changes, then what
exactly is the point of being here?

I asked for critique on a wallpaper idea I was playing with, and other than
yourself I got 0 feedback. Again what is the point? I could have --no I *
should* have just asked for your opinion over IRC. It would have been a heck
of a lot quicker.

For me to contribute, I want a clear system in place. with rules. with
objectives. without a whole lot of herping and derping.

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