[ubuntu-art] Community Feedback
André Pereira
desgua at gmail.com
Sat Sep 25 01:18:31 BST 2010
Hi Martin, my name is André (my nickname is desgua, from my last name
Desgualdo), I'm from São Paulo, Brazil. I am using Ubuntu since 8.04 and
trying to help for a year, although I think I haven't the enough skills yet.
I've made a blog: http://desgualdo.blogspot.com and I've tried to make some
Banners: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/MaverickCountdownBanner#desgua's
draft , I've helped with some translations, I've tried to answer some
beginners questions, I've donated.
I will answer your questions:
On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 21:20, Martin Owens <doctormo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I need three or four people to give us some feedback on how we operate
> the Ubuntu art team and the art communities in general. You need to be
> recent members and have a desire to or have worked on making Ubuntu
> pretty.
> * How did you learn about this part of the community?
I was looking on how I could help the free software and the system I love,
so I ended up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork#Get Involved
> * What attracted you to this type of participation?
I was attracted for this type of participation because I can't make code but
I think I can make some art.
> * Where did you look first for information on getting involved?
I wish to help then I look at ubuntu.com > community
> * Did you feel the places you looked for information were useful? If
> not, how could we improve?
I think we could improve if we had a site with what should be done first and
what can wait. This site should also make possible to add the artwork in
> * When learning skills and content for participating, were the resources
> you used useful? If not, how could we improve?
I think we could have a site with all the basic stuff (the bricks to build
the wall) like logos, fonts, colors.
> * What recommendations would you make for improving your experience in
> our community?
I still find it hard to learn how to contribute.
> Email me privately if you want to be anonymous.
> * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityReview/Sep2010
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
Thank you very much.
*Dr. André Desgualdo Pereira - Psiquiatra - CRM/SP: 120218 *
Email: desgua at gmail.com - Celular: (11) 8584-7809
Consultório Lapa: http://www.wix.com/desgua/sm - (11) 3645-1877
Consultório Vila Gustavo: http://www.wix.com/desgua/med - (11) 2201-9456
Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~desgua
Ubuntu user number # 31870 <http://ubuntucounter.geekosophical.net/> - Linux
user number # 518256 <http://counter.li.org/>
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