[ubuntu-art] The Brickyard - Week of 2010-11-26

j_baer baerjj at gmail.com
Sat Nov 27 22:56:10 GMT 2010

* Ubuntu Forums *

Pending any new requests from Mike Basinger, this task is considered
complete. You may view the new design at this URL.


Thank you to everyone who contributed!

* LibreOffice *

LibreOffice is currently at 3.3 Beta 3 and much of the ground work continues
to be laid. My understanding is the current branding will remain for this
release but the desire is to re-brand the next release with a community
emphasis. With that in mind, early submission may be more brain storming but
are very important.

The LibreOffice community has expressed their appreciation for the
contributions from this community.

Thank you.

* Icon for Ubuntu-bugsquad *

The spec for this task is complete and early submissions placed. There is
still time for additional ideas!

* Community Toolkit * 

A vigorous discussion on a community toolkit occurred where the desire was
expressed to have a repository of "css" style sheets and other branding
assets to assist web designers in updating web pages.

* Xubuntu Wallpaper *

The specs for this task was discussed and agreed changes are now in place.
If the specs does not provide a clear understanding of the desired outcome,
please post your questions to the list. If you would your submission
reviewed, post this request to the list.

* Edubuntu Wallpaper *

The spec for this task is still under review. I anticipate this to be
complete shortly.

* Tweaks to the Wiki *

With the desire to improve the wiki to better serve our needs some minor
changes have been made. If something does not work as expected please post
to the list.

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/The-Brickyard---Week-of-2010-11-26-tp30320719p30320719.html
Sent from the ubuntu-art mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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