[ubuntu-art] The Brickyard - Week of 11/19/2010

j_baer baerjj at gmail.com
Sat Nov 20 02:45:59 GMT 2010

The following is a summary of Artwork Team activity for the week of
11/19/2010 :-)

* Screenshots @ Ubuntu.com *

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Specs/Request-4 Request 4  on the project
board. This topic received the most discussion and brain storming. As a
result, Ivanka from the Design Team decided to place this task on hold
pending further review and advice from the author of
"screenshots at debian.net".

* Nucleus Meeting Called *

As a result of the renewed activity of the Team, Martin Owens ( "doctorno" )
scheduled an IRC meeting to discuss topics such as leadership, grievance,
and other processes of the team.

11/26 - 16:00 UTC on the IRC

* Xubuntu and Edubuntu Natty Wallpapers *

The Xubuntu and Edubuntu communities posted requests to the project board
for wallpaper submissions. If I remember correctly, there was a thread some
time back where many members indicated creating wallpapers was their

I believe this is an excellent opportunity for the team!

* Artwork Team Logo Update *

The submissions are still being posted and the quality and creativity is
excellent. Thank you!  The deadline is closing in (12/01) but there is still
time for more ideas and submissions. As I stated before this is a high
visibility icon which will add value to the team and the community. Don't be
shy. :-)

http://www.flickr.com/groups/uawt-1/ Submissions 

* Personal Note of Gratitude *

I could not have been more pleased to see a post on the LibreOffice list
which praised the guidance given by Thorsten to that community. Unsolicited
comments like this are a true indicator of the talented membership of this

Thank you Thorsten and members for contributing your time and talent to the
Ubuntu community.

View this message in context: http://old.nabble.com/The-Brickyard---Week-of-11-19-2010-tp30261964p30261964.html
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