[ubuntu-art] Alternate Natty Wallpaper Proposal

John Baer baerjj at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 17:00:53 GMT 2010

On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 6:05 AM, Thorsten Wilms <t_w_ at freenet.de> wrote:

> On Sun, 2010-12-12 at 11:44 -0500, John Baer wrote:
> >  The proposal is to create graphic designs to be used as alternate
> >  Ubuntu wallpapers for the Natty release. It is important to remember
> >  this is a proposal which means this effort may or may not be
> >  endorsed by the Canonical Design Team.
> I suppose you mean to say that this hasn't been discussed with any
> member of the Canonical Design Team?

Correct as proposals are ideas which spring from this community.  :D   If
Canonical has an opinion or a suggestion I would love to hear it as my
desire is to add value.

> >  IMO if we do this right this will be a big win for the team and
> >  probably our only chance to contribute wallpapers to the Ubuntu
> >  Natty release.
> So far the *only chance* has been
> http://www.flickr.com/groups/ubuntu-artwork/pool/
> (It is not restricted to photos)
I do not know as this is the only type of submission posted. In addition, I
am unaware if there is any guidance in the form of a spec or briefing to
assist with content. The goal of my proposal is to offer this type of

> I would feel much better about it, if submissions following your
> proposal would be added to that pool, instead of separate pools that
> will likely be ignored.

I am on the fence with this and your advice is very much appreciated. My
concern is the the volume (viz. 5750 photo's to ? illustrations ) and no way
to identify effort (viz. intrepid vs maverick vs natty ).

Does it make sense to follow the lead of the Marketing team and to mold the
spec around the roles they defined?

Any additional thoughts about this is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

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