[ubuntu-art] Make announcement of submissions mandatory

Leandro Gómez leo.telsen at gmail.com
Fri Dec 10 17:55:42 GMT 2010

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Vishnoo <vish at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 2010-12-10 at 09:02 -0600, Leandro Gómez wrote:
> > On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 11:15 PM, Vishnoo <vish at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> >
> >         We need to get more eyes on the submissions.
> >         More people expressing their views/opinions/critique on the
> >         submissions.
> >         Announcements will also help get a review earlier than the
> >         deadline and
> >         time for tweaks.
> >         Ensuing discussion might create new/better ideas.
> >
> >         Let's make announcement of the submissions mandatory and make
> >         sure it is
> >         mentioned in every task page.
> >
> >
> >
> > While I can see clearly the benefits of announcing the submissions to
> > the mailing list, I totally fail understanding why it must be
> > mandatory?
> >
> This is not about the active members. They will always check the
> submissions.
> My main intention is to get more *active* participation from members, to
> grow this artwork community, share opinions/views from throughout the
> world, everyone grows as better designers and eventually this team gets
> to able to push some serious design work.
> How many members have been active on this list? max 20 members?
> While, the total number of members subscribed here are 1040 (574
> Non-digest Members and 466 Digest Members)
> Let's say that even ~80% of the subscribers are here for help or just
> out of curiosity. Dont we have even ~20% composition of artists and
> budding artists?(around 200?). Why are they not excited? Why dont we
> hear their voices, their opinions?
That's not an exclusive issue of this list/group. It's like that virtually
in every single FOSS project/community. Most people are lurkers and will
never post to a mailing list.

I've been subscribed to this list since 2006 or 2007 and my first message to
the list was just a couple of months ago.

> Some have expressed interest in learning. Discussions would be a good
> learning experience for people who want to learn and hone their skills.
> Once they get confident, we would hear their thoughts too.
> Art is highly subjective and can always benefit from more eyes viewing
> it.
> What is good in one locale is not sensible everywhere. For example: A
> design including a Swastika might be good in India, but is not right for
> a global audience.
> Everyone notices different things in a design, like a recent example, of
> where Thorsten noticed "two people pushing a brush in the third guys
> face". Not many had noticed this before he mentioned it.
> Designs are not just about pretty pictures, an artist needs to express
> an idea, convey a meaning. There needs to be a concept, a clear
> direction. Hearing more opinions will open our minds to concepts/ideas
> we would have never thought about.

Agreed. But "forcing" people, or making it mandatory to submit an
announcement to the mailing is not going to make it happen.

An interest approach is what John is doing with his weekly summary of what's
going on in the community (The Brickyard). Maybe we should think of creating
an official weekly newsletter for this group with links to new submissions?

> >
> > Is it that difficult to check the flickr groups once in a while? Do
> > you know how much time it takes to click a few links and check a
> > couple of galleries vs. the time spent creating a wallpaper?
> >
> As I mentioned, it does not take long for the 20 people who are active.
> Are other's viewing the submissions? How do we get others excited?
> It does not take too long to just send a mail to the list saying, "I
> submitted #foo at : <link> . The idea is ..".
> After doing hours worth of work to create a submission, would spending
> 5mins to send a mail be so difficult?
Yes. I'm active in several teams/projects (not only Ubuntu related stuff),
so adding +5mins to my current workflow is not an option.

> Basically, we need to grow as a better design community. The more we
> stay silent, the less we are going to be able to accomplish.
...and that's why we need to find out ways to inspire people, not making up
rules or block new contributions.

> --
> Cheers,
> Vish
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
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