[ubuntu-art] Instead of subject, mail contained Bobcat.

Saleel Velankar svelanka at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 04:50:33 BST 2009

I haven't posted for a while, I went off and learned how to do new 
things, both with programs and with art in general.

Have we started brainpooling lucid yet? What are some ways we can spice 
up the community packages?

--here is one idea.

newwave is a tremendous theme. Do you guys know it works almost 
flawlessly in kde as well (just need to tweak the color scheme)? Could 
we make a gtk theme that works  flawlessly in the qt gtk engine (and it 
gnome as well obviously)? how awesome would that be?

Here is a sketch of a lynx, done today. not finished. still have to 
figure out how to use this.


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