[ubuntu-art] [Breathe] Wine icon

Ryan Prior ryanprior at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 15:14:40 GMT 2009

2009/3/26 Tibault Damman <tibault.damman at gmail.com>

> 2009/3/26 Steve Dodier <sidnioulz at hotmail.com>
>>  Hello,
>> Do you actually plan on using a "Windows" logo for the wine icon ? That's
>> really, as a wine user, the last thing I'd like to see. I'd really go crazy
>> if i had to see a Windows logo each time i open my apps menu. The glass of
>> Wine might not be a terrible thing, but it's Wine's branding, and it's
>> infinitely nicer than the logo of an OS i really can't bear, imho.
>> Cordially, SD.
> I agree, I don't want to see the windows logo either.
> I like the wine glass in the icon set I'm currently using (gnome-colors),
> I'm not really sure what the problem is?

Hold on, fellas. There has been some discussion about what icon to use
there, and I've argued that something resembling the Windows icon would be
best. Here is why I think so: a menu icon should make you think of what that
menu will show, to ease navigation. A glass of wine only says "Windows
programs" to somebody who is familiar with the Wine project and "gets" the
joke. New users will have no way of knowing what that menu does without
guess-and-check. So, an icon which makes them think "Windows" would be the
better option.

That being said, the fact that a few (talking 2 or 3 here) of us on the art
mailing list have expressed that opinion does not come close to meaning that
it's going to happen. If it did happen, it wouldn't be until Karmic Koala,
and there would be plenty of time for discussion first. We haven't even seen
any mockups of what the new icon might look like, and we definitely wouldn't
use an actual Windows logo, since that would be way non-free.

Please feel free to be a part of this discussion.

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