[ubuntu-art] Breathe PPA

Cory K. coryisatm at gmail.com
Mon Jun 29 22:12:57 BST 2009

Andrew SB wrote:
> I'm pleased to let people know that the Breathe PPA is now building
> packages for the current bzr revision. I'll be updating the PPA at
> least once per week as long as something interesting has been done in
> trunk. Remember, as the PPA's description says, this is a testing
> repo. So while I'll make every effort to avoid breakage, it is
> publishing snapshots of current development not official releases.
> Hopefully, this will make it easier for those of you following
> Breathe's development.
> https://edge.launchpad.net/~breathe-dev/+archive/ppa

Great Andrew. Well done.

I would say building every other week would be better as I tend to let a
weekend go by to let things build up before I make major uploads.

So what's your next move? Do you wanna try to go for a 0.44 upload to
REVU or does kwwii wanna take this on? (as we've chatted before about
it. just had to give him the go. GO!) :P

-Cory K.

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