[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu art requests page?

Mads Rosendahl madsrh at gmail.com
Mon Jul 13 14:33:36 BST 2009

It seems the activity on this thread has died.
To move this project forward, I would like to setup the ArtRequests
wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ArtRequests). If anyone wants to
create the wiki page, I will be more than happy to pass the task on. I
will suggest that we use the Gnome artrequests page as base for the
layout, and add a #bug columns. Anyone got ideas for improvements?

Kenneth wrote:
> I think it would be a great idea, if we really commit ourselves to solving the
> problems, listening to advice and trying to move forward as a group. This is
> another chance for us to prove ourselves. I suggest that the requests are done
> via launchpad bugs (we already have a lot!) and that we perhaps look into
> coupling this with one hundred paper cuts project.

How do we do this requests done via launchpad bugs? Are bugs tagged,
like "needs-artwork"?

Great idea to team up with the One hundred paper cuts project, but
isn't it closed now for this cycle?

> Ideas? Critic? Interested in working on this? Let us know!
> --
> Kenneth

I think this ArtRequests wiki is working out fantastically for Gnome
(Fedora also has something similar) and I think Ubuntu could benefit
from a project like this.
Like Kenneth said,  Ideas? Critic? Interested in working on this? Let us know!

Best regards

//Mads Rosendahl (MadsRH)

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