[ubuntu-art] Jaunty Wallpaper (Kenneth Wimer)

Ryan Prior ryanprior at gmail.com
Sat Feb 14 22:10:07 GMT 2009

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 3:45 PM, John Baer <baerjj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Kenneth,
> I lot of good info. IMO the bulk of the development is complete on the
> Impression submission and as I have some time I believe I will work it
> against the desires of "Kyudo".
> I asked Michael Kuhn if he planned to build a package against the svn137
> commit of Murrine.
> My question is would this be considered "too new" applying the "Kyudo"
> standard?

Applying the "Kyudo standard"? As far as I can see, Kyudo is an ill-defined
idea that lacks any specific implementation details, so applying any part of
it as a standard is just going to be haphazard. Furthermore, as far as I'm
aware it's completely unproven; even if somebody did come up with a set of
concrete standards based on the Kyudo concept and tried applying them, we
have no precedent suggesting that it's likely to increase the quality of our
distribution, facilitate teamwork, or anything else.

There _is_ a lot of work that's gone into finding team management
strategies, event planning methods, etc -- people go to college for 4-8
years and earn all kinds of fancy degrees in business administration, for
Pete's sake. I don't understand why there is an effort underway to build
some sort of process apart from what's already been researched, published,
and battle-tested in numerous cycles. Everything I've seen regarding Kyudo
indicates to me that it is unresearched and untested, so until those
criticisms no longer apply, I think it's ludicrous to suggest that we apply
it as a standard anywhere.


> In addition there is some info on the wiki relative to a face-book GDM.
> Is this a go, or is this an effort to be developed using the "Kyudo"
> process?
> Finally, I applaud your vision with "Kyudo".
> John
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