[ubuntu-art] Defining the Artwork Team Goals and Objectives

Kenneth Wimer kwwii at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 16 12:25:08 BST 2009

On Tuesday 14 April 2009 17:10:30 Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Mon, 2009-04-13 at 19:08 -0400, John Baer wrote:
> > I technique often used to bring clarity to a team is stating the goals
> > and objectives. Very useful to someone new and in light of the lively
> > discussion of late this may help.
> >
> > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/GoalsAndObjectives
> >
> > "Our desire is to add value to the Ubuntu community by creating high
> > quality artistic content and advocating the use of open source creative
> > tools."
> Slightly changed from the Artwork wiki page:
> "The Artwork Team aims to enrich Ubuntu by designing high quality,
> original and beautiful themes to be available as an alternative to the
> default look."
> == Top Goals ==
>  * Enjoyment: Having fun being creative and interacting in the community
>  * Growth: Practise and improve your artistic skills (possibly also
> managerial and writing skills), gather experience
>  * Support: Further the goals of Ubuntu
>  * Idealism (or long-term pragmatism ;): Advocate and showcase the use
> of open-source tools in the design and artwork realm
> == Goals of Ubuntu ==
> To offer a free (in both the economic and FSF sense), sustainable
> platform for commodity requirements with optional commercial support
>   * To act according to the following ideals (from
>     http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/philosophy):
>      1. Every computer user should have the freedom to download, run,
>         copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their
>         software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees.
>      2. Every computer user should be able to use their software in the
>         language of their choice.
>      3. Every computer user should be given every opportunity to use
>         software, even if they work under a disability.
>   * Have free software break into Microsoft's majority market share
>     https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1
>   * Improve the overall usability of free software within Ubuntu.
>     Surpass Apple in the quality of the user experience.
>     (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/07/23/shuttleworth_apple_challenge/,
> http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/162)

I get the feeling that we are recreating some of the stuff from Kyüdo somehow. 
I think a page like this is helpful, but we would do well to make sure that we 
understand the exact need which is filled by this page and how it interacts 
with other information.

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