[ubuntu-art] Art opinions

Dylan McCall dylanmccall at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 05:57:04 GMT 2008

>> Michael Stephenson wrote:
>> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2008-September/007923.html
>> > "As de-facto community lead atm I wanna give this effort a big +1."
>> >
>> > Sounds like you were taking the position as community leader at that
>> > point to me, considering it wasn't you announcing Kyu-do
>> I understand your whole opinion now hinged on that one line,
>> half-hearted, joking at the time comment. Something most wouldn't have
>> known for sure. After that, I had started to think about it, but quickly
>> realized it would be a waste of my time now. In the end, I'm not leader
>> here. I'm just some ass with an opinion like everyone else. :P Nobody is
>> lead because nobody can follow IMO. The few that can know who they are
>> and we all talk to each other off-list. Sorry. May sound like a shitty
>> opinion but but I just have too many examples. Too many wasted emails.
> For one start you should have made your role clear after basically
> announcing leadership, I just follow this list, here and there when I have
> time to read and at the time in the development cycle when things seem most
> pertinent, and that was a pertinent line at a pertinent time (and the rest
> of your posting behaviour reflected it at the time, understandably).
> But that doesn't change the fact that your are the most authoritative figure
> on this list, and being quite nasty to every new comer on this list isn't
> exactly inviting.
>> Much wasted time trying to do, *something*.
>> I'm still in favor of a moderated list for people who actually have some
>> kinda cred to back up their opinion.
> You seem to find that you being a dick to people is a medium to keep away
> people who are serious about creating art, like that is some massive
> contribution. Admittedly I am ridiculously inept at anything artistic. But
> there are surely alot of very artistic people who think "well I can't code,
> so I can contribute artistically" then join to the ubuntu art list, feel
> your wrath and then keep quiet rather than disrupt your precious order.
> I'm just saying Cory "You'll catch alot more Bees with honey than Vinegar"
> Now please don't hurt me
> Mick
> --
> ubuntu-art mailing list
> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art

May I be the first to suggest that blabbering on about how "mean" it
was of Cory to point out to someone that top posting is considered bad
practise has actually caused far more harm to the thread than his
so-called "attack"?

Back on topic, folks. And thanks for pointing out the matter of
top-posting so quietly :)

And in a completely hypocrytical move, I'll go on about the "humanity
to others" thing. I personally think it is best for people to speak
their minds rather than holding secrets about what they think of
people. Now that you know I do that, isn't it delightful that I
haven't spouted a dislike for anyone here? I think it is a more
humane, ethical treatment than the alternative sugar-coating. After
all, I would prefer if people did that for me instead of secretly
hating me. So if that is my definition of humane, why isn't it allowed
in our world?
I, for one, really appreciate Cory's frank manner. I know where I
stand with him (*hides*), I know that he isn't personally attacking
"mr", and I know that he doesn't like people top posting. Cory told us
all that with as few words as possible so that I may get on with
things efficiently instead of plowing through some syrupy dramatic
epic about how he feels saddened and betrayed by "mr"'s posting
ettiquette, can understand that mr does not realize the pain he causes
yet he wishes dearly, from the bottom of his heart, for the good of
all the universe and for "mr" himself, that it would stop.
...Oh, and since when is "please don't top-post" mean?


PS: I still don't get what people have against Tango except that it
looks distinctive and is widely adopted.

PPS: Tom Koson, is that a joke (hahahaa) or are you hoping to
unsubscribe from the mailing list? If you want to unsubscribe, try the
link at the bottom of each message.

PPPS: As my Slashdot signature says: "My opinions are mine; this post
is 'in my opinion'. Qualify it yourself." It speaks volumes about why
I nearly fail so many English courses.

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