[ubuntu-art] UDS Report.
nothlit.linux at gmail.com
Wed May 21 21:13:30 BST 2008
I'm at UDS, and after speaking with kwwii, and _MMA_, I have written a
few notes, as well as some personal thoughts. This is mostly for the
planning process itself, but I am sending it to the list so everyone
is clued in as well :).
Things we discussed:
Dark theme, and incompatibilities from programs with hard coded
values. In terms of this, the current plan is to push a dark theme
into Ibex ASAP so people can begin to file bugs against the
applications in question.
The largest problem at the moment, is Icons. In order to create an
entirely cohesive theme we need to completely create our own set to
fit. However, there have been concerns raised about those icons that
don't match. This is especially accentuated by the fact that one of
the current proposals are the etched solid icons. However, this will
always happen: and in order to ever break out of Tango we need to
start somewhere. Tango is off the table--however, those that Human
currently doesn't fill since its been commissioned (in Dapper?) will
show up as Tango. In terms of where we need to go: 1. We need to
decide on a direction, 2. We have to lock down the minimum number of
worthwhile stable contributors. 3, and go from there. One item that
was raised was whether Canonical will purchase a new icon set. It
would certainly be easier on our man hours. Hopefully, if this
happens, the commission agreement will demand that the contracted
company supply Free artwork and make the sources available.
Icon themes: Besides the dark theme, etched glass etc: Perhaps we
should revamp Human, and extend it as well? I haven't tested whether
Human is mostly compatible with dark themes as it currently stands,
and I will look into that.
There is also the option of looking into a variety of other already
available gpl themes. We can customise and extend those.
Dark Theme
Dark Theme: If we do this, would we have to produce a companion light
theme as well? Or is the carryover from the last release sufficient
for those who prefer or need to work with something lighter. There is
also the question where people will accept a dark theme in which some
applications with hardcoded values produce some undesired results. I
think this is mostly a nonissue, as long as we can file bugs for the
major apps like FF. If we can pull off something that looks
impressive, or even just great looking-- people will be satisfied. In
art, the big picture always matters the most. It doesn't matter how
wonderful an eye, or finger is, if everything else is executed poorly.
In the same aspect it doesn't matter whether your icons are
jawdroppingly beautiful or your windows decorations if all else is
not. If things are cohesive, they don't have to be amazing looking.
Even if they are just quite good by themselves--when combined it can
make for an experience most impressive. It is the whole of the work
that applies.
Developers, and Packaging
One major concern is that we have no developers really interested in
developing for us--but the larger issue is that we still have to find
packagers. Hopefully, we can do that here at UDS. However, MMA has
informed me that the launchpad bzr can produce .debs, so this may be
somewhat mitigated. However, afaik (feel free to correct me) the
community theme package has still thus far not been produced? I'll
talk more about the community theme package and its importance later
in this psuedo-essay.
We also need to reduce the mess and make everything easily viewable.
This may come from ubuntu-art.org giving us a category or it may come
from a set of guidelines following along the lines of Fedora. One idea
was that people need to successfully contribute something in order to
post about the project. This would definitely reduce the amount of
naysayers and those with mouths that run, but feet that do not walk.
We have to decide whether these restrictions are necessary if we use a
gatekeeper as described lower.
--- My Thoughts:
What We Need
In terms of being even relatively successful, we need to do something
artistically strong and distinct. What does it mean to be 'strong'?
This means something that is cohesive and presents the same look and
feel. This means something conceptual behind it, even if it is
something simple. Why do we need a concept? This is the only way to
unify many disparate parts, especially in terms of working with
multiple contributors. I think, an important part of this, to be
successful, is a _gatekeeper_. This may be someone at UDS, but mostly
likely will be the concept or mockup originator.
What makes something artistically strong.
To be artistically strong-- this means we have to have defined our
vision greatly, in VISUAL terms. Which means supplying our references,
studies, and notes. However, the visual component is the most
important. Any competent artist, the ones we're interested in, will be
able to pick up the major elements and most probably bring an
interesting twist to it as well.
I think that the artwork 'team', needs to only have ONE, as in a
singular project-- and all other pieces simply become outside
supplemental contributions. If this doesn't happen, we will never have
focus, and it'll just be random contributions, in which people have
little opportunity to really get to apply their skills in a concerted
effort. Without this, we become a selection comitee, which is a valid
direction. However-- I do believe that the community is infinitely
more interested in creation.
Afternote: These are my thoughts, my ideal to be able to take the art
as far as it can go. However, community contributions were discussed,
and it seems our current modus operandi will be to do, and help with
the themes we're interested in. Aka informal 'theme teams'. This way
everyone can work-- in a topic they're interested in. What will happen
is the best will probably be picked by kwwii and Canonical. The best
for them, and their business. But keep in mind, get your themes into
community and people will find them and love them! All the strategies
recommended in here can work for individual projects in mind, if you
wish to use them.
Concepts, and the necessity of representational art. Another important
part of this that is that in order to produce something conceptually
strong, this necessitates representational art in terms of the
Wallpaper, Gdm, Splash, and perhaps even the metacity and gtk. If you
represent nothing: in the end, all you have is a picture of nothing.
However there is nothing wrong with abstraction. However note that
abstraction is not nonrepresentational art, it is simply distilled
into its most important elements. These are not necessarily the ones
that will make it identify its origin.
In terms of contributions-- we should invite all and any. That way the
process is as open as possible, and anyone can contribute. However,
this is also where a _gatekeeper_ plays a great role. This person will
keep things on track, a simple yes or no should be sufficient,
feedback will be optional for time and practicality. It should be
stressed that it is the cohesiveness of the entire theme that is
important. Even someone with great talent may produce something that
perhaps is not quite right for the particular project at hand. Yes,
reality is a gatekeeper will also keep subpar works out. This is just
a fact of having a large number contributions from from previously
unknown creators.. It will be up to the discretion of the gatekeeper
or gatekeepers. The big picture, always matters the most in artwork.
In terms of logistics, perhaps we need major contributors (minor will
get proposals) to each have their own branches which get merged upon
approval. Perhaps the right way to do this is like developers do it
themselves, with a core team, and others submitting minor changes,
proposals. With bzr, its distributed so people can definitely still
work or even spin off if they feel so.
Do we need some gui for helping users find and install themes they're
interested in? Can we get the resources for that? Otherwise, its
mostly random luck as they sift through packages with absolutely no
An Important part of the process is releasing. Art has the same
tendency as software projects where we want something completely
ideal. However, with the reality of time. This is not practical-- we
should release early, and release often. Whether this is a push to
Ibex or to the Wiki or whatever working system, this is important for
feedback, and the process itself. It keeps the project from stalling,
and helps make sure everything is actually ready.
The absolutely most important thing is to define a manageable scope.
This may mean extending the icons to a 2 cycle release, or entirely
extending, or cutting back. This means we have to lock down the
absolute minimum number of steady contributors and plan for that.
In terms of concerns of the Ubuntu Brand: Doing something
representational is absolutely not bad. If we actually do something
distinctive, and representational, that is <establishing> and
identity. A strong presence only increases your brand. There will
always be people who dislike certain things. However, if we don't
resonate with our major user base, there is no function to the
artwork. Every well known company will have dissenters, those are not
important to its overall success.
Now, we can't worry about if it fits the criterion for default. We
should strive to make something as fantastic as possible. If he
doesn't like it, we'd most likely have ended up with a clone of the
previous release. We can package it anyways, and put it into community
or a more important repo. An audience will always choose what it most
likes. Our job is to make this as usable (potential dark theme issues)
and accessible as possible.
Canonical Roulette: Package Anyways- If we didn't try anything new,
we would have ended up with a clone anyways.
Contributions: Have a gatekeeper, a final say. Importance lies in
cohesiveness, not apparent quality.
Swirlies: I think I've made a strong case for representation art
here, even if abstract.
Icon Discontinuity: Like the Wallpaper, we have to start somewhere.
Again, its the whole experience that matters, not small bits that are
particularly amazing or tiny blips that we can never control. The
alternative is to live in Tango forever (which is a theme that Ubuntu
has decided it will not use)
Dark Themes: Presentation as a whole: Pushing immediately to collect
bug reports.
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