[ubuntu-art] New Wave

Anton Kerezov ankere at gmail.com
Sun May 11 10:15:32 BST 2008

В 21:09 -0300 на 10.05.2008 (сб), spg76 написа:
> 2008/5/10 Kenneth Wimer <kwwii at ubuntu.com>:

>         > Ken wrote
>         >
>         > > I can help with everything up to the actual setting up of
>         a PPA
>         > > (although I
>         > > can probably point you in the right direction and get some
>         outside
>         > > help).
>         > >
>         > > Let me know if you are interested.
>         >
>         > Yes I am. How are this things set up (PPA)? Do you know how
>         to solve the
>         > mozilla issue?
>         The quick start guide for PPA's can be found here:
>         http://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart
>         although quick might be a bit too optimistic it does seem
>         straightforward.
>         As far as firefox is concerned I am still pretty much in the
>         dark as to how it
>         exactly uses a gtk theme. I guess this will be one of the
>         things we need to
>         work on before intrepid.
>         --
>         Ken

Thanks. If I have any further questions I will ask :)

TJS wrote:

> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bzr
> It is quite easy.

Thanks too.

> Hello, everybody I'm testing the New Wave theme and I really like it.
> I'd fix the Firefox issue creating a file name userChrome.css on my
> firefox profile folder (usually
> "~/.mozilla/firefox/ramdom.default/chrome/") with the following lines:
> menu {
>   color: white ! important; 
> }
> menubar, menulist, menubutton, menuitem {
>   color: black ! important; 
> }
> The only thing different compared with other GTK programs it's when
> you press the menu the color remains white.
> Hope that this helps.
> Regards.

I've managed to get the same results here.

url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); /*
set default namespace to XUL */

/*make the menu use grey colors for text*/
menubutton, menuitem, menupopup, popup
    color: black !important;
menubar > menu {
   color: #E5E5E5  !important; 

Is there a way of setting the selected foreground color through 
menubar > menu[something...] {...} ?

> PS: You can see how New Wave looks on my system in
> http://img145.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pantallazo1kx8.png 

Nice :)


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