[ubuntu-art] New Wave Icons

shadowh511 shadow.h511 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 9 21:44:44 BST 2008

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 9:23 AM, fruchtschwert <fruchtschwert at freenet.de>

> Am Sonntag, den 08.06.2008, 13:24 +0300 schrieb Anton Kerezov:
> > В 15:40 -0300 на 07.06.2008 (сб), spg76 написа:
> > > I just upload a new revision of the icon theme to Launchpad.
> > > It have a few new icons and I change the actions icons to the previous
> version.
> > > Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to work on the theme for some time
> > > (I'm very busy with my job right now plus I'm moving to a new
> > > apartment in a couple of weeks). It would be great if somebody else
> > > could take over the theme.
> > > When I get time, I be glad to collaborate with the team.
> > > Sorry for the inconvenience.
> > > Regards.
> >
> > Ok have your work and moving out done and then you will continue to
> > contribute. If someone (Martin?) is interested in developing icons he is
> > welcomed to do so and share his progress trough LP.
> >
> > The new Evolution icon is great! Btw is it possible a script to be made
> > to make a png from svg in different sizes (22x22, 256x256 ... )? That
> > would be very useful for automation of the icon creation process.
> >
> > Anton
> >
> >
> Since I'm writing my thesis now, my time to develop the icon theme is
> very limited. Also my graphic-design- and inkscape-skills are very
> poor .. Maybe I can contribute an icon from time to time, but then I've
> got it mixed up from various old ones :-)
> Still, my categories-icons are not all showing up correctly, since I
> don't know how to rename or symlink them. Would be great, if somebody
> could help.
> And I would also want to change the "bookmarks"-icon which appears in
> the places-menu, when you've got more than five bookmarks in there. The
> existing one is ugly as hell. Don't know where to copy that, too.
> For converting a bunch of svgs to pngs I used the following script I
> found on the net (the number after -w is the width of the pngs):
> for i in *.svg; do inkscape -f "$i" -e "${i%%.svg*}.png" -w 22; done
> Probably this can be tuned to create folders and move the files
> automatically or you can look for the one from Kenneth.
> Martin
> --
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just curious, what's you thesis about?

Emo Philips  - "I was the kid next door's imaginary friend."
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