[ubuntu-art] Mark has Thrown Down the Gauntlet!

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 24 19:47:58 BST 2008

Salane Ashcraft wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> Salane Ashcraft wrote:
>>> Its just I hear stuff from people who have been here long, but what
>>> have they done? Ken himself has said the art team needs to prove
>>> itself to be trusted with anything substantial.
>> Thats not really the point of the "You haven't been here long." comment.
>> It's that there's a whole history of issues that have plagued the art
>> team. All usually centering around the lack of real direction and being
>> subject to Mark's misunderstanding of art and design.
>> There are many talented people pn this list that can more than make
>> Ubuntu rock. They are mostly just waiting to see solid change from Mark
>> and Canonical. Actually, most AFAIK aren't waiting. They are done and
>> over it. So what we're kinda left with now are people like you that have
>> enthusiasm but no real experience.  Or, we have people with no artistic
>> ability and w really shouldn't be afraid to tell them that.
>> It's a much more complex issue than you know.
>> So I still give a big +1 for the "sub-team" idea. I hope you work on
>> your own vision of a theme, and not default. Best to hope for is that
>> pieces get picked for default.
>> -Cory
>> --
>> ubuntu-art mailing list
>> ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-art
> People with no experience that are helping are just as good as people
> with it that are not.

So,  inexperienced help=no help?

> Also what doesnt help is no support from those in charge.

Which is, and has always been the issue. Something you would know more
about *if you had been here longer*.

> Also- I know the issue. I have had many conversations with several
> people who have been involved or are still involved. No one else is
> trying for anything really.

Same old same old. Talk without action. :) This is because of multiple
reasons. Something experience in this community would have showed you. ;)

Salane. Organize *your own* effort. You will never herd the cats on this
list. :) It will always be the same people that do anything. The 20-80
rule. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareto_principle) Don't care about
default. Let Ken worry about that. He and Mark can come along and
cherry-pick what they like if they want.

    * Pick you own GTK theme.
    * Pick you own GDM.
    * Pick you own fonts.
    * Pick you own UI layout.
    * Pick you own icons.
    * Pick you own Usplash.


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