[ubuntu-art] Mark has Thrown Down the Gauntlet!

Cory K. coryisatm at ubuntu.com
Wed Jul 23 20:07:57 BST 2008

Salane Ashcraft wrote:
> Read this article everyone. It is interesting.
> http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=9419

hahahaha. That's funny.

> We do indeed need to step it up!

No doubt.

> But at least we have made more
> progress here latley!

Where? AFAICS, Ken is doing all the work. And that's just been the
theme. We're no closer to a final work on the rest of the theme elements
than when the cycle started.

    * New font? yes or no?
    * Wallpaper contender?
    * New icons? (not a whole set)
    * Usplash?

-Cory \m/

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