[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu-Title font

Justin Dugger jldugger at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 04:37:35 BST 2008

On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 8:55 PM, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:
> I think we (= Ubuntu) should still try to work with him...

I'm saying that we should exclude anyone; but if you look at the font
in detail there's significant changes:

* Many of the strokes have been tapered; take a look at b for example
* the t ascender was shortened
* the s and k shapes were significantly tweaked
* the font seems to render bigger in Inkscape than what's in hardy.
* 0 and O are indistinguishable

I'm not saying that we should necessarily override these, but we
should at least understand them, accept that which is good and improve
that which can be improved.

Justin Dugger

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