[ubuntu-art] Ubuntu Wallpapers, contributing to the WIki

Ken Vermette vermette at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 01:49:36 BST 2008

Hey everyone, it's been quite some time since I've been able to work on
themes, - but I'm back. I've caught up on (most) of the discussion (with an
email inbox of 287 messages, never subscribe to a list and leave it for over
5 months)

A more community approach is definitely excellent - when it comes to
updating community wikis and creating possible standards, should we use the
mailing list as the main means of discussion before solidifying an idea on
the wiki, or go straight into dropping ideas into the community wikis? I
would really like to help out on this now that I can seriously develop

As mentioned, I'm able to develop again; I've graduated BMQ and I've been
given back my rights and privledges for electronics, weekends, and all that
good stuff. Itching for action I've already updated the Kith wiki, and added
several wallpapers. Moslty - I'd like to know if I should move them into the
community wallpaper wiki, as they aren't actually Kith-specific without
starting an extra wiki page.


Thank you,
-Ken Vermette
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