[ubuntu-art] Why Wallpapers? And Let's Get Started!

Salane Ashcraft salane89 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 8 05:46:39 BST 2008

I have noticed a lot of discussion by this art team about wallpapers.

Why? Its not like most people who change wallpapers are going to not
be looking for good ones on the internet, its a moot point.

Instead we need to focus on fonts, icons, and themes. I have posted 2
wikis, yet limited discussion has been created. The reason things dont
happen, and the reason there isnt more asked of the art team is
because we have never done anything for the most part. We talk - and
talk- and talk- yet no action is taken.

This is how things will work. I have talked with Ken and Mark, and
they made suggestions and agree with this.

1) We will work together as a community.
2) Wikis will be used to display ideas.
3) Guidelines will be used to help streamline the process. They can be changed.
4) Deadlines must be set.
5) More community involvement must happen.

So lets get started!

Fonts - there are several option listed in the wiki. We need to make a
decision by the end of the month. Research licenses, usable,
readability, and international compliance.

Icons - This is a big challenge. Some guidelines have been posted but
more discussion needs to be generated then needs to be acted on.

Theme - This needs to be worked on together. A set of guidelines will
be produced, but for now, how about on the wiki:

So lets get started! I encourage you to spread the word near and far
to all Gnome users - on all distros to help if they would. We will
create a user interface experience to set the gold standard, to put it
in Mark's words.

All the wiki pages:

 Fonts: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Intrepid_Ibex_Font_-_Art_Team
 Icons: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Intrepid_Ibex_Icons_-_Art_Team
 Theme: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/Ubuntu_8.10_Theme_-_Art_Team
Salane Ashcraft
salane89 at gmail.com

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