[ubuntu-art] Fonts

Can K. cank1090 at gmx.de
Thu Nov 8 17:34:41 GMT 2007

> Are fonts within our scope? Can we change it? Will we change it? I'm
> wondering why we are not discussing it..
> Cheers!

This is an important point imho. Since I was never really satisfied with
fonts in Ubuntu, I looked for changes and found out that Bitstream Vera Sans
Roman in size 9 as default application and desktop font make the system look
so much better on my 1280x1024 LCD monitor! Again, OS X is the best example
for good looking fonts on a Desktop OS here. I think we don't even have to
make major changes to the fonts constellations, but just set another default
font. Can you suggest any other fonts that should be included in Ubuntu? I
really like the Luxi fonts (for documents, etc., not as system font). If
Ubuntu offers a complete office suite, it should come with nice fonts, too.
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