[ubuntu-art] [Fwd: Re: More Ubuntu Wallpapers]

t u towsonu2003 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 10 01:18:12 GMT 2007


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: More Ubuntu Wallpapers
Date: 	Thu, 8 Mar 2007 22:46:37 -0600
From: 	Conrad Knauer <atheoi at gmail.com>
To: 	ubuntu-devel-discuss at lists.ubuntu.com
References: 	<1173121269.4967.21.camel at alecomp>

Just to add a note to this thread, I just realized that most (if not
all) of the Wikipedia featured images would have acceptable licenses and
there are specific categories for those that would make good background



On 3/5/07, *Alec Wright* <alecjw at gmail.com <mailto:alecjw at gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi All,
    I've been wandering recently, why doesn't Ubuntu come with more
    wallpapers? It currently only comes with three wallpapers, all of which
    are made on the computer; whereas Windows XP comes with lots of very
    nice wallpapers, including actual photos. For those who don't know what
    I'm talking about, here are a few examples (I home Microsoft don't hunt
    me down for this):

    I am aware that because Ubuntu is free and open source, it would not be
    possible to hire professional photographers, but I expect that there
    would be some people in the Ubuntu community willing to "donate" photos
    which they have taken to Ubuntu. For example, if you went on holiday and
    took a picture of an important landmark, and the photo looked
    professional, the photo could be considered for inclusion in Ubuntu as a
    desktop background, if the photographer was willing to publish it under
    an appropriate license.

    An obvious way of getting pictures form photographer to developer is via
    art.ubuntu.com <http://art.ubuntu.com>. The higher rated user
    uploaded photos should be
    considered by the developers for inclusion in Ubuntu.

    Alec Wright

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