[ubuntu-art] Choosing color palettes

Matthew Nuzum newz at bearfruit.org
Thu Dec 20 18:38:15 GMT 2007

Interesting, it appears to simply scale the image down to a 3x3px image (or
optionally 5x5, 7x7). Look at the duck or landscape 11 pictures. This
probably isn't the best technique for creating a pallet. In essence, you
could recreate the application with a bit of python code...

>>> import Image
>>> im = Image.open("attackhamster.jpg")
>>> print im.size
(800, 600)
>>> size = 3,3
>>> im.thumbnail(size)
>>> for pixel in list(im.getdata()):
...     print "#%02x%02x%02x" % pixel
>>> colors = im.getcolors()
>>> colors.sort(reverse=True)
>>> for count,color in colors:
...     print "#%02x%02x%02x x%d" %(color[0],color[1],color[2],count)
#030303 x2
#fdc087 x1
#936858 x1
#895a3c x1
#0f1b4f x1
#070508 x1
#060503 x1
#030400 x1

It would probably be better to use the 9x9 and then pick one or two colors
and use them as a base to generate a pallet from one of the other tools.

hmm... that attackhamster.jpg does produce a very nice color pallet

On Dec 20, 2007 11:53 AM, momo <momo at lumenstudio.net> wrote:

>  http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
> This one has a selector that shifts a color scheme in the way some people
> with color perception problems will see it. Very useful.
> http://jrm.cc/color-palette-generator/
> I think the most important use of this one is that you can generate a
> palette from a wallpaper picture. That will ensure that the wallpaper will
> fit well to the color scheme.
> Molumen
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Matthew Nuzum <newz at bearfruit.org>
> *To:* Discussion on Ubuntu artwork <ubuntu-art at lists.ubuntu.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:46 PM
> *Subject:* [ubuntu-art] Choosing color palettes
> On Dec 20, 2007 6:57 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at nc.rr.com> wrote:
> > Andrew Laignel wrote:
> > > Adobe provide an amazing resource for creating and picking colour
> > > palettes at http://kuler.adobe.com/ Just typing 'brown' into the
> > search
> > > box gets some quite nice pre-made selections for colourschemes.  It's
> > > Flash 9 only though :(
> >
> Very nice.
> > Troy showed me this one:
> > http://www.wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/index-en.html
> >
> This one isn't as nice but it does have the "contrast" option for a color
> theme.
> I was researching this subject last week and came across this:
> http://jrm.cc/color-palette-generator/
> You upload an image and it generates a color palette based on the colors
> of the image. Seems very useful.
> Googling for "color theory" should return some informative results on how
> this is done. Still, I've seen artists do this by eye and come up with
> spectacular results that make any auto-generated theme look calculated and
> mathematical.
> --
> Matthew Nuzum
> newz2000 on freenode
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Matthew Nuzum
newz2000 on freenode
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