[ubuntu-art] Choosing color palettes

momo momo at lumenstudio.net
Thu Dec 20 17:53:20 GMT 2007

This one has a selector that shifts a color scheme in the way some people with color perception problems will see it. Very useful.

I think the most important use of this one is that you can generate a palette from a wallpaper picture. That will ensure that the wallpaper will fit well to the color scheme.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matthew Nuzum 
  To: Discussion on Ubuntu artwork 
  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:46 PM
  Subject: [ubuntu-art] Choosing color palettes

  On Dec 20, 2007 6:57 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at nc.rr.com> wrote:

    Andrew Laignel wrote:
    > Adobe provide an amazing resource for creating and picking colour
    > palettes at http://kuler.adobe.com/ Just typing 'brown' into the search 
    > box gets some quite nice pre-made selections for colourschemes.  It's
    > Flash 9 only though :(

  Very nice.
    Troy showed me this one:

  This one isn't as nice but it does have the "contrast" option for a color theme. 

  I was researching this subject last week and came across this:

  You upload an image and it generates a color palette based on the colors of the image. Seems very useful. 

  Googling for "color theory" should return some informative results on how this is done. Still, I've seen artists do this by eye and come up with spectacular results that make any auto-generated theme look calculated and mathematical. 

  Matthew Nuzum
  newz2000 on freenode 


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