[ubuntu-art] Just an idea...

Cory K. coryisatm at nc.rr.com
Thu Dec 13 14:47:07 GMT 2007

Matthew Nicholson wrote:
> Just tossing this out there, not sure if people have seen this yet:
> http://arstechnica.com/journals/linux.ars/2007/12/12/gnome-theme-engine-designer-adds-transparency-to-gtk
> Now, I'm not saying that should be default or anything, however, it
> might be nice to have something very "bling" like that, as an option for
> those who want all the niceness of compiz etc, plus something else.
> Maybe even in a separate package, ubutnu-bling-theme or something along
> the lines.
> Like I said, just tossing it out there. Its neat to see this sort of
> development going on in the GTK theme engine world...
> Matt

Thanx for putting this on the list. Cimi posted this on IRC yesterday.

-Cory \m/

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